AskTog, August, 2003
This is the most important column I have ever written. Please do more than read it: Visit the new organization athttp://InteractionDesigners.com, subscribe to the discussion group at discuss-subscribe@interactiondesigners.com and do your part to make it happen.
Organizing the new group is underway. Challis Hodge, David Heller, Jim Jarrett, Rick Cecil have formed a steering committee and the first discussions, centered on the new name of our profession, have taken place.
The concensus for the name of our profession is "Interaction Designer." One compelling reason for chosing this name, rather than the "Interaction Architect" I had proposed is that a growing number of jurisdictions forbid the use of the name "architect" by anyone other than a building designer. It is also confusingly similar in sound to "Information Architect," a title already in wide-spread use.
I am quite happy with the result. It was never my intention to thrust a name upon the group, but rather to launch a debate.
Visit the new group to find out what is happening and to get involved.
-Tog, October 28, 2003
"I have met the enemy and he is us."
When Pogo mouthed these words so many years ago, he must have been thinking of software designers, or interaction engineers, or human interface folks, or whatever we who create the interaction model for our products are calling ourselves this week.
We've been complaining bitterly, these last 25 years, that we get no respect, that we are thought of as nothing more than decorators, if we are thought of at all. Guess what? We have no one to blame but ourselves. We have sat on the sidelines, perpetually powerless, whining, instead of changing up the game so we can win.
With a little effort by many and a lot of effort by a few, we can reverse our static cycling, do so in a short period of time, and end up with not only respect, but expanded choice of employment and more money, by changing the mind-set of our own employers and radically increasing the number of companies that feel compelled to hire people with our unique and demonstrably valuable skills.
Let's look at a group that has done things the right way: the human interface testers.
Ten years ago, these guys were a sorry lot. Few people even knew such people existed; even fewer used them. Those few who did use them paid them little either in money or respect. Even those who found them important really thought that testing was all they did for a living. Then, the "testers" decided to do something about it.
First, they branded themselves. Yes, I'm talking branding, that bane of existence of we client engineers, or whatever we're calling ourselves this week.
I've tended to think of branding as that non-functional graphical clutter marketing wienies foist on our web sites, making it almost impossible for people to actually use them. Why would we, pure human-computer interaction designers that we are (as we're calling ourselves this month) want to mess with such a disturbingly "Madison Avenue" concept?
Because we want money. Because we want respect. Because we want a job. Because we want our products and services to actually work.
In case you haven't noticed, human interface testers have disappeared. Now, if you want your human interface design tested, you're going to have to get yourself a Usability Professional.
The old testers selected a name that demanded respect, and they have branded it by consistently using it on their resumes, their business cards, their web sites, and within the name of their professional association. They also chose a name that easily encompassed all of what they do, including heuristic evaluations, user & task analysis, field studies, and even human interface design, for their many members who "wear both hats," etc.
Certainly their battles are not over. Most companies still don't test, as is more than obvious, but those that don't at least now know they are failing to do something they really should be doing. Such are not the circumstances for we user-experience flower-hoppers, or whatever touchy-feely name we might be calling ourselves this fortnight.
The central mechanism the usability professionals use to support their brand is their professional association. The Usability Professionals Association, or UPA, serves several functions that effect respect and increase jobs and pay:
So what do we have on our side of the aisle? Here are four organizations that provide services to design practitioners:
The UPA today welcomes design practitioners to join their membership. When I first wrote this article, I was unaware of the extent of this effort. While the UPA has done an excellent job of increasing industry awareness of and generating respect for their usability evaluators, they have not made a separate and distinct effort to brand and promote designers/architects,. something necessary if designers/architects are to gain the same respect as evaluators.
The Special Interest Group on Computer Human Interaction of the ACM, its annual conference, and its proceedings offer a wealth of useful information about the future, as well as the results of basic research evaluating what we have today. CHI, however, was created by and for college, university, and corporate advanced technology groups to share their research with their colleagues. The founders even took some effort in creating a name that was not to be used as a title, defining CHI as computer-human interface, but the work done by its members as human-computer interface. In early years, we practitioners were invited to the party strictly to observe. While today, the presence of practitioners has increased within their programs, it remains in the context of CHI's fundamental research thrust, with practitioners presenting case studies and such. CHI cannot and will not act as a practitioner's "guild," as does the UPA.
This group is primarily populated by PhDs and IEEEs concentrating on the more technical aspects of human factors. Their conference and proceedings can supply a "hard:" element to our somewhat softer field, but they are not a candidate to be our home group.
The Nielsen Norman Group (of which I am a principal) and other similar organizations are firmly focused on practitioners.
These organizations put on conferences featuring real-world-oriented tutorials, they turn out reports with immediately useful information, and they will, of course, show up at your doorstep, for a price, and help train your own people in the interaction design and usability techniques.
Conferences (see self-serving advertisement to the right) typically are designed to facilitate both gaining knowledge and skills, as well as networking with other practitioners in the field.
They are good as far as they go, but they are not enough.
We will get no respect until we respect ourselves, until we think enough of ourselves to stop skulking around under aliases.
We must have a single, universal name for our profession, regardless of whether we are doing the interaction design of a traditional computer application, a web site, or a computerized product, from an oven timer to a jet aircraft
The name must:
"Usability Professional" covers these bases quite well for our sister profession. Its only area of weakness is in clarity, in that it doesn't quite say what these people specifically do in the field of usability. Having been saddled with the title of "tester," with established negative connotations and narrowness of scope, they were loath to use that term. Instead, they opted to couple the specific term, "usability," with the less-specific term, "professional," that, while somewhat vague, clearly emphasizes power, which is Criteria One.
Two terms we should avoid:
Add to this list anything soft and/or touchy-feely, such as "user-experience." If we are to be accepted as peers by engineers and other "hard" technologists, we have to appear hard ourselves. (Note I didn't say, "taken seriously by engineers." That's somehow become our goal, and it is a weak goal, indeed. Those "taken seriously" are still one step down. We need to be seen as peers. We can be and we shall be.)
I have spent the last several months thinking about and talking with others about this issue, all the while casting about for a new title for our profession. I have kept returning over and over again to the one title that seems to perfectly fit: Interaction Architect.
If you agree with me that now is the time to finally decide to what profession we all belong, then please:
The name, "interaction architect," may take you a couple of days to get used to. (Remember how weird it felt when "Bankamericard" changed its name to "Visa"? A visa was something you got to go to foreign countries, not to buy your groceries.) Just dive in and start using the term and, after about three days, it will feel like you've been using it your whole life.
Those are the small tasks that each of us can do. Then, there's the big, critically important one. Someone reading this, perhaps you, has the drive and skill to pull it off.
Step 3: Build the Interaction Architect's Association or SIG
We need a non-profit professional association to accomplish for us what the Usability Professional's Association has accomplished for usability evaluators. It's goals will be to:I started an already-lively discussion group devoted to this issue at the time of first publication.
The goals of this group were to:The group is now headquartered at http://InteractionDesigners.com, Please join the discussion group now and let your voice be heard. I will be "listening," but I want this to be your discussion, so I will only "horn in" from time to time.
I've also been "fine tuning" this article as I find out more information through the discussion. For example, when I first wrote this, I didn't understand to what extent the UPA was catering to design/architect practitioners. Their website didn't reflect it, and all my friends in the UPA are evaluators. I would now be perfectly happy if the design/architect community chose to exist under the UPA umbrella, but only if the UPA were to make a real PR effort on the behalf of their design/architect practitioners, as a distinct effort from branding their evaluators.
Please pass this article on. Make sure the entire practitioner community sees it. It is important to each of our careers.
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