HCI Consultants
The consultants listed below are user interface designers and usability professionals I personally recommend. I have worked directly with each of them. They are listed in alphabetical order by business name. All are located in the USA.
(For information on other HCI consultants around the world, click the Worldwide Consultants List maintained by Mikael Ericsson. Many names on his lists I do not know and I therefore make no personal recommendations.)
Elisabeth Bayle
Bayle Collaborations
34 Emery St
Medford, MA 02155

I have known and worked with Elisabeth for many years. She is a fine, qualified designer.
Catherine Marshall, Ph. D.
Monterey, CA
Fremont, CA
Strategy, design, and useability evaluation
Catherine is not only brilliant, she is commanding. People listen and respond.
Dave Eisenberg
J. David Eisenberg Programming and Documentation
San Jose, CA
J. David Eisenberg is an awsome programmer. Dedicated, single-minded, and responsible. Hes also a good designer, with good instincts, and a willingness to keep at it until its right. Ive worked with David for more than 20 years and give him my unqualified recommendation.
Kate Gomoll
Gomoll Research & Design
4767 N.. Lake Drive
Whitefish Bay, WI 53211
Kate and her collegues are "Apple Graduates." Highly competent, and they couldn't be nicer.
Jakob Nielsen and Donald Norman
Nielsen Norman Group
Silicon Valley and the World
Jakob Neisen and Don Norman are two of the top ten designers in the world. They operate under the principle that if you give a man fish, he eats for a day. Teach him to fish and he eats forever. They will teach you to fish.
Dave Pomerantz
On Target Software
56 Bartlett's Island Way
Marshfield, MA 02050-6002
Windows CE and palmtop development
Dave is not only a masterful programmer, he has a real eye for design.
Jon Meads
Usability Architects, Inc.
210 9th Street; Suite E204
Kirkland, WA 98033
Jon is well-respected, competent, and a pleasure to work with.
Austin Henderson
Rivendel Consulting
PO Box 334
La Honda CA, 94020
vox: 1-650-747-9201
fax: 1-650-747-0467
One of the industry's heavy-hitters, offering consulting services in strategic design, product design, interaction design, and group effectiveness.
Matt Belge
Vision & Logic
8 Mill St. Extension
Lincoln, MA 01773
Matt is a genuine artist who also happens to be a responsible, talented, well-rounded designer.
If I've forgotten someone else of whom I have personal knowledge, please let me know so I can include them in this list.