Tornado "It’s 1:48 am as I write this. We are operating on auxiliary power. Our main sources of illumination are the occasional flashes of lighting which momentarily freeze the steady rain.
Last night, a tornado tore across Cherokee County, Alabama. We lay directly in its path, saved by a mere whim of nature. As we joined the rescue effort, we soon discovered others had not been so lucky."
The Swamp Buggy Races Most racing consists of watching cars go round and round until you fall asleep or one of them crashes. Swamp buggy racing is a whole different thing. Your intrepid reporter spend a day at the races recently, recording with his faithful camera just how much fun races can be. All you have to do is strip away the asphalt and add a few hundred thousand gallons of water. Then watch the cars sink or swim.
Japan on $1000 a day Wherein we travel to Japan and are able to get rid of all our surplus cash, like our children's college fund, in just a few short days.
Traffic Engineers How Safety Engineers are robbing you of your life one minute at a time.
Are Safety Experts Killing Our Children? Every summer, we read about more tragic deaths caused by kids being forgotten in the back seats of their cars. The safety experts put them there to save lives. Now, instead of dying instantly in crashes, our kids are being slowly cooked to death while locked helplessly in their "safety" seats. What has gone wrong, and what do we need to do to fix it?
Maximizing Cards & Flowers Don't let what happened to me happen to you. Follow these important instructions for gaining maximum sympathy when you get sick--I mean, fall gravely ill.
On Sex & Violence The events of September 11th and its Anthraxian follow-on shook us all up. How will we ever be able to return to our lives free from the fear that has been gripping us? After all, nothing like this has ever happened before, has it? Sure it has, and not many years ago.
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